Become Active/Subtitution Rules

Basic Swap Method

To make a starlight on your side become active, you must discard cards from your hand equal to the rank of that starlight. Then the current active one and the one that will become the new active will exchange places.


The subtitution occour by either when your active spot and no starlight will take that place. you have to send a starlight in your side to the active spot.

Have in mind that a starlight can't become active if it rank is superior to the actual unlocked rank.

Swaps Categories

Normal Swaps includes

  • Send to active spot a starlight by normal swap.

  • Send a starlight to the active spot by substitution.

Non-Normal Swaps includes

Swaps that are made by effect trated as non-normal swaps. Inlcuiding team replacement effects if apply.

Last updated