Game Play

Basic Description of Round Flow


  1. Each player put their starter starlight face down in the active zone.

  2. The players descide who starts first (for example launching a coin)

  3. Each player draw 7 cards.

  4. Each player can do mulligan.

  5. Each player can put up to 6 non actives starlight card from their hand facedown into their side.

  6. Each player turn face up their starlights cards.

  7. The inactive player can set up to 1 counter card

Mulligan Rule

Players can use their own local rule for mulligan, but the offical one is:

Once per game during the preparation, each player can shuffle their initial hand into their deck, then draws 7 cards again.

Game Start!!

First turns Draw:

The starter player do not draw cards normally during their first turn, instead draw card untill have 7 cards in hand.

Normal Draw:

At begining of each player turn different from their first turn, that player draws 3 card.

Turn Actions:

During your turn you can take any of this actions, take in mind actions are limitated and some will lead you to your turn end automatically.

  • Play any number of starlight from your hand to your side

  • Play up to 3 support cards.

  • Play up to 3 skills cards.

  • Swap your active starlight by another in your side.

  • Active color sequences

  • Use/Active radiances

  • Set counter card. (once per turn)

  • Activate counters cards while you can.

  • Return starlights. (once per turn)

  • Team up. (once per game)


Your chain is made up of the skills you play, each skill is a link in the chain, the chains allow up to 3 normal links which are the 3 skill cards that you can play from your hand normally. Once your third normal link has been played, your turn ends after all stacked effects are resolved.

Your turn end when you:

  • Play your last normal link. (Effects on the stack must be resolved).

  • You Defeat a rival starlight. (Effects on the stack must be resolved).

  • You descide to end your turn.

Turn End Rules

  • If an effect in stack can't be resolved then is skipped

  • You can't end your turn normally while effects are waiting to be resolved

  • If your turn ends by an effect then remove each other effect and cards on the stack.

Turn End

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