Chain, Skill and Link
As we say before Your chain is made up of the skills you play, each skill is a link in the chain, the chains allow up to 3 normal links but there is extra links too. A special state that allow you to extend your chain.
Normal Links
These are the skill you play normally from your hand. Your chain allow up to 3 normal links by default. By playing your last normal link your turn will end after all effect are resolved.
Extra Links
These Link are only gained by effects and allow you to play inmediatelly a skill on that link based on the effect criterion. They are treated as extra links so they do not consume your normal links.
Extra Link Rules.
At moment you gain a extra link you can't play support cards until the end of that link.
The link will be skiped if the cards to be played by the criteria cant be played.
If you are the one allowed to decide if want or not to play a skill you may skip that link at your wish.
You can't get extra links after defeat a rival starlight.
A good practice
Place each links one next to the other in a row
At your choice, place all the extra links or normal links at a slightly different height so in the row so you can differentiate them from the rest of links.
At this point you may be asking
"Can I get extra links after play my last normal links?"
The answer is yes, you can.
Multiple skills on stack
Sometimes you will play many skill at same time or in different links consecutively before resolve the previous ones. For this cases you can resolve these links on the order you like, this is an advance tech that allow you to mix qualities of severals starligth on one attack if you manage it correctly.
Chain Mesurements
The order of skill played are very important due the color sequences, but also to reach the max synergy with many cards based on chain measurement effet
Personal Chain
Is measured only by the skills that a player used, is measured for each player individuality. Commonly can be used to by effect like:
"When your rival play their third link a turn.."
This case only measure the length of the rival's chain
"While using this skill in your skill 3 or higher..."
this case only measure your chain length.
Global Chain:
The global chain is a term used to refear to the real order in witch each skill are played in the turn inlcuding each player skills. Commonly is called when a effect says for example:
"When the third link..."
This refers to the third link used this turn regardless of who uses it.
"at end of the next link..."
This refers to end of the next link used this turn regardless of who uses it.
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